When you’re selling a vast range of products to an extremely broad target market on a daily basis, you better be entertaining. Really entertaining. Workbench Agency’s campaign for One Day Only was seriously entertaining, and then some. Turns out, so was Spitfire co-founder and Director AK’s treatment. Getting the item you want at a price you love is a Big Deal. Portraying that euphoric feeling of triumph and satisfaction – and a little smugness – was a Big Deal for AK too. Apart from an immense amount of fun, the one day shoot with a fantastically expressive cast (including a dog) produced an impressive amount of beautiful footage to create five ads that were each ... a very Big Deal indeed. Working with great creative talent is what we at Spitfire live for. So next time you have an entertaining board that needs special treatment, please let us know. We’ll show you how, for us, every one is a Big Deal.